Dental SEO For Attracting New Patients To Your Practice

Dental SEO For Attracting New Patients To Your Practice

Dental search engine optimisation or dental SEO is carried out in many different ways to make sure that you have a website that is highly visible and attracts quality patients for your dental practice. Dental SEO is focused on boosting the position of your website on search engine results lists. This can be done by optimising the website itself and the content of the website.

An optimised website is one that is working smoothly at all times and is easy to search, crawl and index by Google and other search engines. Modern dental websites are attractive and filled with ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures to allow patients to imagine how they can improve the appearance of their teeth. You need a website that stands out from amongst the crowd and shows Google that you are the website with the answers that the patients in your area are looking for. You want to encourage all the people in your town or village to choose you as their dental practice rather than one of the other dental practices nearby. 

Keyword research and content marketing

You need to know what the people in your area are looking for from their dentist. You also require to know which dental health issues are most prevalent within your community and show patients that you are able to provide them with the treatments and procedures that they want. An expert digital dental marketing team can carry out keyword research on your behalf. Once you have a list of words that are related to the treatments and procedures that you have to offer, your marketing team will be able to create new content for you on a regular basis which you can upload to your website. By blogging about keywords you can also help attract prospective patients whilst showing Google that you are knowledgeable in the topic of interest. Keyword research and content marketing are excellent methods of boosting your dental SEO and with the help of your digital marketing team you will be able to achieve a top ranking in the search results list and become the best dental practice in your area very soon. This is known as on-page SEO.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is concerned with optimising the infrastructure of the website itself. This means that Google is able to recognise that your website has the answers that the patients are looking for quickly and easily. Your website needs to be easy to navigate allowing Google to recognise what your pages are about and also for website visitors to browse through the website without feeling bored or overwhelmed. Other aspects of technical SEO that are very important for the success of your website include issues such as mobile responsiveness. It is crucial that your website can be accessed from mobile phones otherwise you will lose a significant percentage of website traffic to the other dental practices in your area. This is because most people carry out local searches on their mobile phones.

Speak to an experienced award-winning dental marketing team today who can put together a digital dental marketing campaign that is optimised for Google and other search engines and helps attract new patients by improving and enhancing your website to boost the success of your dental practice.